Benefits of Hydration
We all know that we need to drink more water, but why don’t we? Our daily goal of water intake should be 1 ounce per kilogram, or half our body weight. So, a 200-pound person should drink almost 100 ounces of water daily. Working outside on those hot summer days it is even harder to keep up! We should be drinking at least 24 ounces per hour. That is a lot of water!
Our bodies are made up of 55-60% water which we need for so many things we do. This includes digesting food, sweating, and even breathing. We need to continuously hydrate because every cell in our bodies uses water to function. Here are some other benefits to hydration you may not think about.
Brain Cell Function
Did you know that without enough water, cells begin to shrink, including brain cells. With proper hydration, more oxygen flows to your brain so you can avoid brain fog and headaches. This improves concentration and memory!
Balance Mood and Emotions
Drinking more water will help reduce your stress and anxiety which will help you balance your mood and emotions.
Proper Digestion
Water helps with metabolism and also helps aid in digestion. Water can also make you feel full, curving hunger and reducing sugar cravings.
Lubricate Muscles and Joints
Hydrating helps you perform at peak performance, which is why you see professional athletes drink so much water before a game.
Fights Disease and Keeps you Healthy
Drinking more water gives you more energy so you can exercise more and generally just feel much better!
If you want to enjoy the benefits of complete hydration without the pressure of filling that water bottle four times per day, try hydration therapy in the comfort of your own home or place of choice. Dorner Hydration Therapy will keep you feeling on top of your game!